Author: Andrew

  • 6 Benefits Of A Home Inspection

    There are countless reasons to have a home inspection. Whether it be to purchase a home, after you have moved in or a general maintenance inspection. This blog post will focus on the most important benefits of obtaining a home inspection. 1. Peace Of Mind Probably the most common reason home buyers will get a…

  • Inside A Home Inspectors Tool Belt

    Similar to other skill trade professions, home inspectors rely on some specialized tools to perform the job adequately. With the expertise, knowledge and right tool you can be sure the inspection is performed from top to bottom. Below is a list of the most important tools in our tool bag with a brief definition. Flashlight…

  • Setting Client Expectations For A Home Inspection

    Before the inspection You can help manage client expectations early by repeating the phrase, “No home is perfect!”. We say this a lot as inspectors, and it’s always true.  A home doesn’t “pass” or “fail” an inspection. There will always be improvements recommended in an inspection report. That is to be expected. Encourage your client…